Behind the Spa Mic: Holiday Trees = Indoor Forest Bathing

Candy Holladay
2 min readDec 21, 2019


Careys Manor Hydrotherapy Pool — the Asian Holiday Decor Inspired Me to Create a Good Fortune Tree

A few years ago, our podcast’s holiday party was featured on the Today Show. So I went absolutely bonkers to make it as spa camera ready as possible as the focus was to be that it was a “spa” festive get together.

I had just returned from Careys Manor and SenSpa in England and as I was decorating my foyer tree I decided to make it like the asian tree Careys had — just a quick trip to World Market for chopsticks. . . while mid “chop”ping, I spied a bag of fortune cookies and that’s when I thought, a fortune tree!

A spa tree, where folks can write on a sheet on paper their holiday stresses, put the paper into the center of the tree by the trunk and take a “good fortune cookie” to seal the deal. See ya stress, hello happy holiday!

I did a youtube video of the whole thing, but thought it would be something our listeners would enjoy doing too. While reworking the video for our podcast, I realized that Holiday Trees are like a mini forest bath!

The smell, the lights, even the needles. . .happiness just emanates from them. Perhaps this why every year, I don’t take the tree down til at least Feb. 1. Yup I said it. . . because I realize that it’s not my laziness that derails me, but that I just LOVE having that tree up.

Think about how cats react to them. . . I believe cats are instictively one of the healthiest creatures on the planet. Watching them we can learn a lot of healthy habits — in addition to the relaxation they provide with their purrs and antics — they just can’t stay away from Christmas trees-instead they try to perch every chance they get!

I’m so excited about this discovery, that next year I’m going to have 3 real trees grouped together to emphasize the mini forest bathing vibe.

If y’all would like to know how to make your own Fortune Tree, check out our podcast episode or youtube video. Til next epiphany,

Happiest of “Holladays”, xo Candy



Candy Holladay

Law school escapee fashioning a healthy life on TV, Radio, Youtube. Lover of frippery & frivolity. . . Ponderer of the above. #CatFan